Lets Go!

Posted on 3 September 2013 at 8:42 am in Life Thoughts.

Imagine if you will, you are sitting in your office, busy at work.  A stranger walks into your office and says, lets go!  I’m going to put you into the business of men, instead of the current business your in.  What would you think?  How would you react?

Would you stand up, throw the keys on the desk and walk off the job?  Leaving all you know and step into the unkown, with little or no clear direction on even what you’ll be doing?

That whole concept seems a bit unsettling, particularly if you have kids, car payment, mortgage and are reasonably successful in your career.  But that’s exactly what happen as Jesus rounded up the original twelve.  He approached many of them at their workplace and simply said, lets go, start following me!  No real background, no resume’ of His qualifications, simply a “Follow Me!”

I have to think that the presence of Jesus was somewhat commanding. I mean, really, to simply stand up and leave it all to follow a stranger?  Then again I am reminded of my own experience at 14.  Sitting in that musty old church in East Texas.  As clear as day I heard him say, its time.  Going forward and being led to a small room where Ralf Terzolo opened his Bible and walked me through that simple plan of salvation.  I didn’t know Jesus, had really only heard just a little about him, certainly didn’t understand where he planned to take me, but I followed.

In the years since that day, I think I have learned more of who He is, yet still find myself compelled to follow.  Even more astounding, I follow, often having no clear direction on where it is He is leading.

What about you?  Are you following?  Have you met Him?

Interested in more?  http://urbangathering.org/?page_id=349


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