Into the Deep End!

Posted on 14 April 2013 at 8:50 am in Life Thoughts.

riglocationI remember how I first learned to swim!  It wasnt one of those instructors at the YMCA  or a youth camp, nope it was my Dad, who taught me, or more appropriately tossed me in the deep end and said swim or drown!

We were on a rig location (generally a large area cleared and prepped for assemblying an oil drilling rig and drilling for oil on for those of you not from East Texas!).  Genearlly the location would have pond constructed for holding water used in the drilling process.  My dad was a tool pusher (basicly the boss onsite) on that particular job and he had taken my brothers and I to work with him that day.  It was one of those hot East Texas summer days where the temp was in the low 100’s and we were sweatting!  So dad walked us over to the pond and told us to strip down!  So nobody but us guys around, so in an instant I was standing there in my tighty whities and all of the sudden my dad picked me up and swoosh, splass and a frantic slapping at the water as he tossed me in.

Now I would love to say I instantly took to water and I was a natural.  Nope about the only thing I did well at that time was swallow alot of water.  Splashing and kicking, I heard my dad yell to me reach out in front and pull keep doing that.  Glub, under, back up, under again, I fought franticaly thinking “He’s going to kill me!”  “Out here in the woods away from everything, he’s going to kill me!”  Again I heard him say reach out!  I did and amazingly I began to pull up and again.  Frantically I made it to the side and wallowed in that east Texas red clay, digging my fingers into the mud.

Then swoosh he grabbed me and tossed me back again.  After several repeats of the above, I was able to swim, no Michael Phelps, but I could move through the water as good as any dog!

I later went on to get my lifeguard certification and have had many wonderful memories over the years surfing once or twice, snorkleing, and one unforgettable long swim that was several miles!  Water and swimming hold no fear for me, and in fact most of my favorite recreational activities is around water.

I often think of that day on the rig location as one of those moments where my life changed and fears were conquered.  I am sure many of you have many such moments in your life.  I love to look at my life and look for the analogies of God and realize how much He teaches us through others.

Some of my lessons from that day that I think have spiritual application are:

1. Sometimes the Father tosses you in the deep end! (No experience necessary 🙂 )

2. He is your biggest fan and wants you to conquer your fears!

3. Often the things we fear prevent us from experience the full joy available to us.

4. God loves us, but realizes that sometimes you will swallow water, bob up and down and fears the circumstances, but He is watching over, and would never let us truly drwon.

Jeremiah 29:11 says it like this: “For I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord, plans for welfare and not for evil, to give you a future and a hope.”

And a little food for thought, Jesus said it this way ” I came that they may have life and have it abundantly (John 10:10)

I glad of that day in East Texas and glad my dad tossed me in the deep end.  Honestly I wasnt at that moment, but I had limited veiw of life.   Likewise I am thankful when God tosses me in the deep end, not always joyfull about it, But I know there is a bigger picture that is painted by His love.


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