Relationship Challenges
Well, it’s been just about a year since I made my last post. I decided after taking a bit of a reprieve from online presence I would get back to business!
I have had many thoughts, ideas and discussions over the past year, so I feel like my blogging brain is loaded up for a bit and now its time to put some of it out there.
You ever felt like you were in a relationship where there was a lack of trust? Things like you’d stay up at night wondering if the other person was faithful? Wondering if they had your best interest in mind? Curious if you were just being used ? Wondering when the shoe or hammer was going to drop?
Yet in that same instance you longed to trust. Desired to believe the best! Wanted to not worry. Thought, “what’s wrong with me, that I can’t trust”?
That’s me! That’s where I am with God! I feel like such a hypocrite each Sunday as I stand in church and sing words to songs like “He is faithful, He is able!”. I know in my heart there is truth there, but in the same instance I cry out “Ha!”.
As I think about it, I know He is. It’s just that I have been angry, felt betrayed, and even abandoned by Him. No matter how much I prayed, nothing availed! I wallowed in despair and frustration.
I am no longer of that mindset, yet I was for so long that it is hard to come back in the right frame of mind. Doubt still lingers.
The funny thing is human relationships are the same way. We spend so long in a broken existence that we don’t really understand how to relate well.
Perhaps it could stem from the fact that we fail to relate well with the creator and therefore it is impossible to relate well with His creation.
My thought : It is impossible to have healthy earthly relationships when the Divine relationship is out of kilter.
So . . . If you find yourself struggling with the earthly relationships, stop and consider the divine. How are things with you and your Creator (better than me I hope!)?