Living in Seattle for the past seven years I have grown to think of rain differently than when I was a child. As you know I grew up in East Texas and we had many thunderstorms, or gully washers! The rain would be intense, hard with rumbling thunder, giant streaks of lightining and hard downpours that were often followed by flash flooding, filling the roadside gullies and creecks to overflowing. The rain would often come on very intensely and then move away just as quick, rarely did we have a truly rainy day, typically it was for an hour or so. Seattle is quite different, we have long slow rains, that seem to last days, weeks even months without end. They are slow drizzly rain. Kids play outside in it during recess. After awhile you dont even bother with an umbrella you get so used to it.
Why the comparision? Its really rather simple! Context makes all the difference. When I speak of rain to my parents they think of the of something entirely different than what I do now. There are similarities but our context is different. I think it is that way with the Bible as well. I have been a believer for 27 years now but still struggle sometimes with it.
Take for instance rain, there is a verse that says, “He causes his sun to rise on the evil and the good, and sends rain on the righteous and the unrighteous.” Growing up I thought that that meant “God gives blessings to the evil and the good and He gives hardship to the righteouse and unrighteous.” Basically we all experience some good and some hardship from God. My context however was a bit skewed. You see I did not grow up inthe semi arid climate of a majority agricultural society. In that climate both sun and rain were blessings! If I look at that verse again, now with a better understanding of climate and culture, I see “God gives blessings to everyone, no matter their conduct or their spiritual status!” WHAT!!!! How can that be??
As I have traversed my spiritual walk I have stumbled down many avenues that were not always what they should have been. There were times when i was so legalistic that you all were going to hell! Other times where I cried out for a God who did not seem to be there. I have been educated in the Bible, both in college and post-graduate studies. I have served by cleaning toilets, by preaching and everything in between. I have been a man of strong faith and a man or moral failure. Their have been times when I know God and times when God eludes me. Through it all, I think that context has a big part.
You see, until recently, I never really had any enimies. Oh sure their were the minor infractions such as getting dog poop smeared in my face, or the playground fights but nothing that I every really considered “ENEMY” worthy. So I could easily embrace the scriptures around the one that talks about rain.
You have heard that it was said, ‘Love your neighbor and hate your enemy.’ But I tell you: Love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you, that you may be sons of your Father in heaven. He causes his sun to rise on the evil and the good, and sends rain on the righteous and the unrighteous. If you love those who love you, what reward will you get? Are not even the tax collectors doing that? And if you greet only your brothers, what are you doing more than others? Do not even pagans do that? Be perfect, therefore, as your heavenly Father is perfect.
My context has changed and now I look at that passage much different than I ever have. Now I struggle with anger! I struggle with hatred! I want to say “Damn them!” Love for my enimies, those who violated me, at times seems far from me.
Honestly I wrestle with that. What is loving your enemy? As I consider the context of when Jesus wrote this, they were living in an occupied land, enemy forces controlled thier society, took what they wanted when they wanted it. Every day Roman soldiers were in their face and business. Occupation by enemy forces!!! You could go anywhere without seeing them. When I read that and see where He saids the part about greeting and about only loving those who love you, I am challenged. Challenged in how think about my ex. Challenged in how I interact with her. Challenged in my private thoughts. Challenged in my anger. Challenged in my hurt!
Im not perfect! I tried once, but couldnt do it. How can I? What does He mean by perfect?
Thats alot to think about and more than I can process. So . . . .
I try and be cordial. I am helpful where I can be. I invite her into my home. I try not to speak negatively about it. I try and keep boundries. I dont freak out when they arnt respected. I succeed some days. I fail some days. Thats what it is. Thats what I think He meant by all of it! If we dont ever try, then we will never, but if we make an effort, I mean do our best. Then we will have moments! Spectactular God moments. Moments where He breaks in in our weakness and things change. They are for me. I still struggle, but I am also being changed. My bitterness is subsiding. My anger is giving way to peace.
As you live this week, and walk it out. Consider your own heart. Where is your enemy, how are you loving? Is it going to rain? Be a blessing.