Feeling Crowded?

Posted on 10 January 2011 at 1:10 pm in Life Thoughts.

Every once in a while, I like to just read facts that get me thinking. One that has caused some thought lately is about our land use in the US. I remember as a kid hearing about over population and the crowding of our planet. I still hear about it today, particularly in light of the illegal immagrant issue and others. The following information is taken from the USDA website:

The United States has a land area of about 2.3 billion acres, of which, only about 3 percent is used for Urban development. Urban development meaning residential, commercial, utilities, mixed, transitional, and other urban land. The remaining 97% of the land in the US is used for agricultural (range, cropland, pasture, farmsteads, and roads)(46%), forest (28%), special use (parks, wilderness, wildlife, and related uses)(13%) and other land (deserts, wetlands, and barren land)(10 percent).

Think about that just a minute! Talk about crowded living! 🙂

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