Struggles in Church – Leadership Disagreements!
Conflict! Some people love it, others hate it. Some it energizes and others it drains. I often laugh in church as leaders will present the early church as a single unified body and present to us that we are inherently off when we have conflict in the church. I personally believe that to be a herectical statement! There was conflict in the early church, however their was also unity. How can that be you ask? Purpose. Thats how.
As you read through the New Testament you will see how the early Judeo Christianity transformed into the Pauline Christianity, one faith that was a deviation of Judiasm to the faith that brought salvation to all men, both Jew and Gentile. That transition and struggle was not easy as you read you will see how those early church leaders struggled even when God gave them visions on moving out!
It is very clear, that church leadership did not always agree on direction. Sometimes their were even conflicts between leaders. The story that I have found myself fixated on this week is the struggle between Paul and Barnabas. Here were two great leaders of the early church. Men who were known for their faith and following.
Barnabas, was a nick name given to a man named Joseph. He was as the Bible puts it, a man of encouragement, so much so that everyone called him “The Encourager” or Barnabas! Baranabas is first introduced to us as one who sold his field and brought the money to the church to help those in need. Barnabas was one of the first to welcome Paul after his converstion and even opened the doors for him to the church brothers in Jerusalem. For several years their labored together in spreading the Gospel, but one day they had a disagreement, one that caused them to literally go seperate ways.
Now I have heard this tale concluded in several ways, some saying Paul was wrong and others that Barnabas was wrong. However I think they were both right! Yes, church leaders can be going in diffent directions and still both be right. I think it is a very persumptive thing for us to hold to the thought that only one could be right. God is greater than that. The key is how these leaders conducted themselves amidst this disgreement.
Barnabas had a young man that had accompanied he and Paul on several endeavors, John Mark. At one point, John Mark leaves Paul and Barnabas, or literally quits the mission. Later when Baranabas wants to bring him on another endeavor, Paul says no. Barnabas says yes, their is more to the man than you have have experienced. Paul says no, the work is too important to have a quitter. They stay at odds on the issue and ultimately Barnabas takes John Mark and goes one way and Paul takes Silas and heads another.
Talk about a leadership disagreement.
So what happened? Both groups went forth and spread the Gospel, saw conversion and experienced the move of God. What? How can that be? They were in disagreement? Yea, I know, God is funny that way.
What I even love more is that Paul later writes from prision and says that John Mark is their with him, and that if he should come, the church should recieve John Mark. Talk about restoration and leadership.
I love how God works. Have struggles with your leadership? Dont give up. Feel the need to go a seperate direction? Sometimes you need to! Can God be in it? Yes, absolutely.
Your takeaways:
God does not lead everyone down the same road!
God loves us all.
We need encouragement and the voice of encouragement!
Even when we quit, their is hope to get back in!
Its ok to disagree with each other sometims!
God Bless.