Who is God to you today?

Posted on 17 August 2009 at 5:20 pm in Life Thoughts.

Who is God to you today?  A few days back a good friend asked me that question as they were encouraging me through a very difficult situation.  I have thought about that alot lately.  What did she mean, and more importantly who is God to me?

You know I have been a believer in God most of my earthly existance, and have had a relationship with him for over half of my life of 41 years, but this question grips me today most unusually so.  So I thought I would tackle it from a personal standpoint, not necessarily from Bible definition, for that is what I think my friend was asking.

God is first my friend.  When I find myself in a jam, I can always call.  He hears me.  Like a good friend he doesn’t always bail me out, but he is along with me through the thick and thin.  Not once in the 26 years we have been friends has he ever failed me, not once.  He may not have always said what I wanted to hear, but he was always honest with me.  Sometimes it hurts, but thats what friend does.

God is my encourager.  When I feel the world is against me and no one is in my corner, I can always turn around and he is there.  He says get up, you can do it.  Don’t let it keep you down.  Dont let sorrow overtake your joy.  Dont let people steal who you are.   You can do anything you set yourself to.

God is my helper.  Things of life lately often weigh heavy on me.  I feel at times I want to just collaspe under the load.  However when I feel like I have no strength left, somehow things begin to get lighter.  He has never let me be crushed under the load.  He has always lifted at the time I could no longer.

God is my teacher.  It is said you never stop learning, and I believe it.  Just when I think I am rolling along in life find, I discover myself thrust into another situation I have no experience or knowlege how to navigate.  I cry out to God.  He comes and begins to send people to help me, show me and teach me.  I have always made it through, though if left to myself, I don’t think I could have.  I have a large bag of lessons and experiences now that I thought I would never have.  But I know there is more to come, so I keep the bag open. 🙂

These are just a few of things as I think about God today.  What are yours?  Who is God to you today?

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