Happy Father’s Day

Posted on 20 June 2010 at 7:59 am in Life Thoughts.

20 plus years have past
since i lived at home last
since I lived in my father’s home
Sine I set out on my own

I have something to say
For my Dad today:
Mom left when I was only two
Alone and unsure what to do
You held on to me
When your own life was full of uncertainty
You worked hard every day
Providing and finding a way

I remember when you taught me to swim
As you tossed me in from the pond’s rim
I’ll always remember what you said
Most of this life will seem like your over your head
But kick and fight
Hold yourself upright
Relax and reach for the shore
And you wont be going under any more.

I remember when we hit recession
And we came close to losing every possession
Without a job or steady pay
We ate and had shelter every day
“Work hard, even when your behind
And all you need, you will find”

You held me when I fell in the dirt,
You comforted me when I hurt,
You wrestled and hugged me
Disciplined and taught me to see

You loved me, even when I did wrong,
And though Our conversations were never long
Your words were give in love and truth,
And guided me through my youth.

“Dont be ashamed to dig or shovel dirt,
“Protect and never hurt.”

“Care for those you love, with all your power”
“Trust God, even in the darkest hour”
“Take time to laugh, hunt and fish”
“Pursue your dreams and for what you wish”
“Life gets hard and is often rough”
“But you are harder, so stand and be tough”

I know your physical life has past
Buy your wisdom, love and words will last
I love my children the way you taught me
Laughing and loving and simplicity

I love you Dad!

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