Carpe Diem
There are certain movies, that no matter how many times I watch them, my emotions get stirred. One of those movies is “Dead Poets Socciety”. This movie came out in 1989, when I was in college, and stirred me to consider all the world had and challenged me to want more than mediocrity.
A few quotes from the movie by the lead charcter, John Keating played by Robin Williams:
“Sucking the marrow out of life doesn’t mean choking on the bone.”
“This is a battle, a war, and the casualties could be your hearts and souls.”
“Now, don’t just walk off the edge like lemmings! Look around you!”
“Boys, you must strive to find your own voice. Because the longer you wait to begin, the less likely you are to find it at all. Thoreau said, “Most men lead lives of quiet desperation.” Don’t be resigned to that. Break out! “
“They’re not that different from you, are they? Same haircuts. Full of hormones, just like you. Invincible, just like you feel. The world is their oyster. They believe they’re destined for great things, just like many of you, their eyes are full of hope, just like you. Did they wait until it was too late to make from their lives even one iota of what they were capable? Because, you see gentlemen, these boys are now fertilizing daffodils. But if you listen real close, you can hear them whisper their legacy to you. Go on, lean in. Listen, you hear it? – – Carpe – – hear it? – – Carpe, carpe diem, seize the day boys, make your lives extraordinary. “
A very stirring movie and I often get reinvigorated when I watch it. I find that certain passages of scriptures doe the same for me. As I am reading through Ephesians this week I am reminded to the movie and feel again challenged to look at my life and “sieze the day” or as the apostle Paul put it:
“Be very careful then in how you live – not as unwise but as wise, making the most of every opportunity. . . “
I hope that you will live today with that thought in mind. What does this day hold in store for you?