Planning For Failure

Posted on 28 February 2010 at 9:34 am in Life Thoughts.

From time to time I actually get a moment or two to do some reading (not as much time as I would like). In one of the recent reads I had, the author spoke a little about Billy Graham. As the author shared some details that I had not known, I was intrigued and took off on one of mental rabit trails.

According to the author, Mr. Graham had several guidelines that were considered non-negotiable to all of his evangelistic campaigns. Each of the guidelines the author reported initially struck me as a bit legalistic but the more I pondered it the more it made sense.
1. All deliveries and correspondances were to be delivered to a personal assistant.
2. The personal assistant had to be male
3. Mr. Graham could never meet with a woman alone.
4. Mr. Graham should be escorted to the rest room by a man.
5. Only men were to room next to Mr. Graham.

Now like me you think wow. But then as you think about this, and all the moral failure that has occured in Christian leadership, I applaud Mr. Graham. He never forgot what he was capable of, like any man or woman is. He drew a line of defense far from home, so that moral conflict never hit home.

Billy Graham has been credited for his evangelistic work in this day, much like the Apostle Paul in his. Moral purity is one of the things that allowed his message to hold validity.

Well Done!!!!

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