The Subject of Love

Posted on 15 August 2009 at 4:26 pm in Life Thoughts.

Love. Now that is a broad topic and his been covered all through the ages by better writers and philosphers than myself. I almost feel imtimidated to even speak on the matter at all, almost!

You know I think love is something that we all crave to recieve, but also to give. No amount of words can surpass what the many poets have pened over the years, but I thought I would through my slant into anyway.

As a christian, I am often told that love is defined by what is written in I Corinthians, chapter 13:

  • It is patient
  • It is kind
  • Not evnious
  • Not boastful
  • Not proud
  • Not rude
  • Not self-seeking
  • Not easily angered
  • Doesn’t keep a record of wrongs
  • Doesn’t delight in evil
  • Rejoices with the truth
  • Always hopes
  • Always perseveres
  • Never fails

When you look at it and think about it, that is a tough list.  Yea, I think we all do parts of it well, but who really manages to do it all, all the time.  I know for me personally I like to measure how other people love by comparing them to the list (I think thats the judgement side in me) and then measure myself to them.  However, I really don’t think that is what God had in mind when he gave us this list.

No I think it was to show us how we truly in ourselves  never quite make it.  I mean think about the last argument you had with your spouse or mate.  Remember that list of offenses that rolled through your mind that was the fodder for the battle?  But what happen to keeps not records of wrongs?  Or when you got so angry with each other you just walked out (is not easily angered)?

Or what about when the relationship got so tough you considered calling it quits?  What happen to never fails, not proud, always protecting, always hoping, and persevering?

My conclusions? I think Paul said it best in the next verse, follow the way of love.  Love is something we must follow after or pursue.  When we simply sit by and expect it, I think we begin to loose.  We must realize that like with any list, we in ourselves will come short.  But that is the magnificance of God.  With Jesus, who is perfect love, we can compensate for our shortcomings.  When we are so angry – Jesus can take our burdens.  When we are out our end – Jesus can give us more.  When all hope is gone – HE BECOMES OUR HOPE.

So when you find yourself this day running low on love – dig into him.  For with Him is hope, trust and perseverance and most importantly the ability to get rid of that list of wrongs!

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