Killer Bunnies!
Wow, I had a great new years eve. I had the opportunity to hang out with a group of people, who I would consider new friends and and play Killer Bunnies and quest for the the magic carrot!
I would not have picked this game as a general game selection, but I definitely had fun, we played well into the new year, laughing and waging bunny war. Of note is the awesome power of Bunnie Triplets that gives you the power to play two cards per turn and the infamous death strike of the Cyberbunnie (much like the Energizer Bunny, he goes on and on!)
This was a great icebreaker game and “Carrol” sure was educated in the rules of Killer Bunnies.
Killer Bunnies & the Quest for the Magic Carrot is a fast paced, action filled card game, in which you must try to keep as many Bunnies alive as possible, while eliminating your opponents’ Bunnies. The problem: Your opponents are armed with weapons and will stop at nothing to keep you from winning the game, which can get dreadfully vengeful, horribly nasty, hilariously messy, and just plain fun! Game Website