A New Ending
I ran across this quote the other day “Nobody can go back and start a new beginning, but anyone can start today and make a new ending.”
It caused me to stop and think. We truly can never start over. I think we like the concept of starting over, but it is just not practical. I mean we are different today that yesterday. We have gained experiences and knowledge that change how we are and how we think about things, so starting over is impossible.
We can however alter the course of our lives, to make a turn in the right direction if we feel we are headed the wrong way or just simply a minor course correction if we feel we have begun to veer off course.
You see if we stay on the same direction, are end is defined, however when we course adjust or alter direction we have changed our ending.
I hope today that you take time to consider your end, where you will end up if you continue down this path. Some of us need adjustments. Good luck in changing your ending!