The Lonely Path
Today I found myself alone,
Sitting on a big round stone.
Off to the side of the trail,
Exactly where I couldn’t tell.
How I got here, I do not know,
Confused and unsure where to go.
The path is blocked with brush and debris
And one really big tree.
As I sat and looked around
I wondered if the path would be found
It seems so long ago
That I started down this road
As I looked closer at the path where I stood
It was littered with failure and things not good
I was in a desolate place
My life filled with shame and disgrace
I was alone and forsaken
All the joy in my life had been taken
As I considered my life today
I dropped to my knees and began to pray
I cried and prayed all day
Asking God to not leave me this way.
Then as the darkest night began to descend
I realized I was at the end.
Then through the brush I heard a voice
“It is time to make a choice”
What choice I cried?
Wondering if I had already died.
“To press on the way it has been,
Or recieve freedom and forgiveness of sin”
Happy Father’s Day
20 plus years have past
since i lived at home last
since I lived in my father’s home
Sine I set out on my own
I have something to say
For my Dad today:
Mom left when I was only two
Alone and unsure what to do
You held on to me
When your own life was full of uncertainty
You worked hard every day
Providing and finding a way
I remember when you taught me to swim
As you tossed me in from the pond’s rim
I’ll always remember what you said
Most of this life will seem like your over your head
But kick and fight
Hold yourself upright
Relax and reach for the shore
And you wont be going under any more.
I remember when we hit recession
And we came close to losing every possession
Without a job or steady pay
We ate and had shelter every day
“Work hard, even when your behind
And all you need, you will find”
You held me when I fell in the dirt,
You comforted me when I hurt,
You wrestled and hugged me
Disciplined and taught me to see
You loved me, even when I did wrong,
And though Our conversations were never long
Your words were give in love and truth,
And guided me through my youth.
“Dont be ashamed to dig or shovel dirt,
“Protect and never hurt.”
“Care for those you love, with all your power”
“Trust God, even in the darkest hour”
“Take time to laugh, hunt and fish”
“Pursue your dreams and for what you wish”
“Life gets hard and is often rough”
“But you are harder, so stand and be tough”
I know your physical life has past
Buy your wisdom, love and words will last
I love my children the way you taught me
Laughing and loving and simplicity
I love you Dad!
Falling Down
Have you ever been that person? You know the one who tripped in front of a group of people and fell flat of your face? Everyone laughing. Embarrasment! Most likely we all have done it at one point or another. Statistically we are bound to. Think about how many steps we take in our lifetime. We are bound to have a couple of missteps, step on shaky ground, or trip on something in the way. And we are most likely going to witness some other people when they stumble.
Now that is a physical reality, but I think it is also applicable to our faith. The question is not if we will stumble, but when. The questionis not if our friends will stumble, but when. Think about that feeling of shock as you realized you hit the ground when you were walking. Think about the shock and how it rocked your world when someone you know stumbled spiritually.
Dont be surprised if your spiritual stumbles occur much the same way. I know we think that keep our focus hard and straight and we will never stumble, but really, does that work when you are walking? No! The reality is we have to look all around. Keep our eyes open for anything that might trip us up. Even friends can be a trip up!
So now consider that, but one more thing also. Someone desires to trip you! Think about how difficult it is when someone is trying to trip you, make you stumble!
Walk carefully today!
1 Peter 5:8-9 Be self-controlled and alert. Your enemy the devil prowls around like a roaring lion looking for someone to devour. Resist him, standing firm in the faith, because you know that your brothers throughout the world are undergoing the same kind of sufferings.
Ecclesiastes 4:10 If one falls down, his friend can help him up. But pity the man who falls and has no one to help him up!
Proverbs 24:16 or though a righteous man falls seven times, he rises again, but the wicked are brought down by calamity.
Proverbs 24:17-18 Do not gloat when your enemy falls; when he stumbles, do not let your heart rejoice or the LORD will see and disapprove and turn his wrath away from him.
Living In A Vacuum
Vacuums suck! Litterally. 🙂
When I talk about a vacuum, we all think of our Hoover, Eureaka, or Dyson. We call them a vacuum because they remove or suck up the dust and dirt in our carpets. Essentially the Vacuum Cleaner is removing stuff from our space. In everyday scientific usage, a vacuum is a volume of space that is essentially empty of matter, such that its gaseous pressure is much less than atmospheric pressure.
In my earlier days I had a great fondness for science. Physics was on of my favorite subjects. I loved knowing the how and why of life’s compositions. Often when we discussed experiments, the trend of thought was to perform a test in a vacuum, would give the best and truest results. The vacuum represents the purest place, one without external influence or force.
You have often heard the term he/she is “living in a vacuum”, it’s similar to the expression “living in a bubble”. It means you’re caught up in your own little world and you’re unaware of the bigger picture. People are “living in a vacuum” when they have a very limited range of experience and are oblivious to other people’s perspectives.
I think that was me! We all live in some sort of vacuum. I got married prior to finishing college and have spent most of my life as a married person. The bulk of my friends and relationships have been with couples. I have been a believer since I was 14 and most of my relationships have been with others who are like minded. I had created a vacuum in my life that constituted believers and more particular couples.
Over the past few years, I had been challenged spiritually on my closed relationships primarily focused on believers and had come to a deep belief that I had been wrong in focusing my relationships on primarily believers. Don’t get me wrong, I had acquaintences that did not believe as I did, but they were limited in the depth I would go. I came to realize that I was wrong. You see all of us are created in God’s image, and as such we all bear resemblance to our creator and posses images of Him. As I have broadened my thinking, I have come to comprehend God in a deeper way. I see Him more clearly today, as I broaden my view of His creation.
As you look at your life today, consider what vacuums you have created. Where do you really live? Who do you really interact with? Where are your relationships?
“Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid or terrified because of them, for the LORD your God goes with you; he will never leave you nor forsake you.” Deuteronomy 3:16
It is easy to love the people far away. It is not always easy to love those close to us. It is easier to give a cup of rice to relieve hunger than to relieve the loneliness and pain of someone unloved –Mother Teresa of Calcutta