Life Thoughts
Fishing on the River
Its hard to believe that the summer has come and gone. Time seems to fly by and I can barely catch hold of the fleeting moments. A few of you have expressed concern that you have not heard from me lately. Well rest assured that I am still around, just pondering many things.
Life is a bit quirky, but I find that OK as I realize that I also am a bit quirky. The tough part is figuring out just where I fit.
When I was a kid, my dad used to take us fishing alot on the Sabine River, in East Texas. One of the things that I learned during those times was that rivers are very amazing bodies of water. At times they are rushing, overflowing and washing away everything in and sometimes out of their path. While at other times they have little to no water and are easier to traverse by foot than boat. Both the high and low side of the rivers are wrought with perilous dangers, from getting washed away crashing upon rocks and debris. Unfortunately the fisherman often has no control of the river, he just has to learn to navigate it. This requires sometimes in the river when is is flowing heavy and sometimes when is low.
There was this one place we often fished at we called “Car Bodies”. At some time in the past, someone had pushed a bunch of old cars off into the river and so, here was this literal aqua junk yard. This area served as a good fishing spot for catfish, as they like to hang out under stuff. Unfortunately this was one of the most dangerous spots on the river as well. If you did not motor through the area just right, you could literally split the hull of your boat on a ragged piece of metal. So dad always ran the boat extremely slow and to the left bank to avoid the know hazards.
While a river can have such things as known hazards, it is often filled with unknown hazards. Large trees could be swept away and running downstream. they could capsize your boat in an instant. Dad was always good at avoiding those. Sadly though their was one hazard we could almost find every time. It was like a magnet. Sand Bars! Litterally little islands of sand just below the rivers surface. We could run aground in an instant. Then often someone was getting out, getting wet and pushing us off. Sometimes we would hit these and the motor would bury in the sand, sheering the prop pin or filling the motor’s water pump with sand. Then we were stuck. Without a motor, you are at the mercy of the river. Dad was good about always keeping extra pins, knowing the river has hazards. Once in awhile we would be dead in the water though. Thats when often you could find a fellow fisherman willing to tow you back to the boat launch for needed repairs.
Life is much like the river. Many hazards we know from experience but many more we experience as they come. Knowing the currents of life can be key to our success in surving the hazards of the river of life. Sometimes however we need the aid of fellow fishermen as well to tow us in for repair. I pray that as you run the rivers of life you have a few reliable relationships that can help get you to safety and repair and avoid being washed downstream. If you dont, reach out and find a few!
How it was left!
I was having coffee with a friend the other day and I was asked about my blog. I replied that I have just been swamped with life as of late and just have not had time or the the heart to post. They expressed concern, as of course I left my last post as “I am a sinner!” Perhaps there was concern that I had dropped off the deep end of life and never came back, or that I had finally just given in and truly lost my way. During that conversation, I thought, well I gues if I am going to make a final statement, that might be it, but then another side of me argued that, no, that is not really who I am, and certainly that is not how I wish to be defined.
So now after several days of thought, reflection and that internal dialogue we sometimes hear, I’m back. Mainly because their is more to my life than my transgressions, alot more. Don’t misunderstand me, I still have struggles, but at this moment I firmly believe that I have confessed all and have received forgiveness. Of course if you say to yourself you havent asked me for forgiveness, then please contact me, for I want to to be clean.
In contrast to sinner, I think that I can also describe myself as a Godly man. I think too often we think of a godly man as a man fully occupied keeping from the touches of the world through self control, but this is not godliness. Just as a photo negative is not a portrait. A negative misses all the color vibrancies and detail we value in a photo. Godliness is better described as the person who lets God transform him by the glorious truths God has revealed in this world. Jesus was full of grace and truth. He lived life to the fullest. Each step in Christ’s life was overflowing with the goodness of God pouring out so that others would also come to experience God’s goodness, i.e. he was colorful and vibrant.
A Godly man is not defined by what he doesn’t do, but by what he does! One of the abounding traits I look for in those that are Godly is grace. Grace is one of the key tennants of our faith, because without it, we would all be dead in our trespasses and sins. But just as God’s grace was given to us, I think a Godly man or woman, extends grace and lives a life of graciousness. Grace can be defined as the state of kindness and favor towards someone, often with a focus on a benefit given to the object. So we were the focus of God’s grace when Christ died to pay the penalty for our sin. So in being imatators is God, or Godly, grace should be a dominant part of our lives.
Think about it. We are challenged every day, in traffic, at work, even with our children and loved ones. How we respond, what we do. I like how the book of Acts talks about those of the early church, “All believers were one in heart and mind. No one claimed that any of his possessions was his own, but they shared everything they had. With great power the apostles continued to testify to the resurrection of the Lord Jesus, and much grace was upon them all. There was no needy person among them.” Wow!! Talk about a life of grace or graciousness. Wouldnt it be nice to stop at traffic not see someone standing their with “Will work for food” or “Anything helps” signs or that our rescue missions were empty becuase everyone had what they needed. Wouldn’t it be nice to be defined as “much grace was upon us all”?
I know that I try and live a life of graciousness, and through that I believe that God is glorified and that I live His heart. What about you? How have you shown grace today?
Blessing upon you.
Living in Seattle for the past seven years I have grown to think of rain differently than when I was a child. As you know I grew up in East Texas and we had many thunderstorms, or gully washers! The rain would be intense, hard with rumbling thunder, giant streaks of lightining and hard downpours that were often followed by flash flooding, filling the roadside gullies and creecks to overflowing. The rain would often come on very intensely and then move away just as quick, rarely did we have a truly rainy day, typically it was for an hour or so. Seattle is quite different, we have long slow rains, that seem to last days, weeks even months without end. They are slow drizzly rain. Kids play outside in it during recess. After awhile you dont even bother with an umbrella you get so used to it.
Why the comparision? Its really rather simple! Context makes all the difference. When I speak of rain to my parents they think of the of something entirely different than what I do now. There are similarities but our context is different. I think it is that way with the Bible as well. I have been a believer for 27 years now but still struggle sometimes with it.
Take for instance rain, there is a verse that says, “He causes his sun to rise on the evil and the good, and sends rain on the righteous and the unrighteous.” Growing up I thought that that meant “God gives blessings to the evil and the good and He gives hardship to the righteouse and unrighteous.” Basically we all experience some good and some hardship from God. My context however was a bit skewed. You see I did not grow up inthe semi arid climate of a majority agricultural society. In that climate both sun and rain were blessings! If I look at that verse again, now with a better understanding of climate and culture, I see “God gives blessings to everyone, no matter their conduct or their spiritual status!” WHAT!!!! How can that be??
As I have traversed my spiritual walk I have stumbled down many avenues that were not always what they should have been. There were times when i was so legalistic that you all were going to hell! Other times where I cried out for a God who did not seem to be there. I have been educated in the Bible, both in college and post-graduate studies. I have served by cleaning toilets, by preaching and everything in between. I have been a man of strong faith and a man or moral failure. Their have been times when I know God and times when God eludes me. Through it all, I think that context has a big part.
You see, until recently, I never really had any enimies. Oh sure their were the minor infractions such as getting dog poop smeared in my face, or the playground fights but nothing that I every really considered “ENEMY” worthy. So I could easily embrace the scriptures around the one that talks about rain.
You have heard that it was said, ‘Love your neighbor and hate your enemy.’ But I tell you: Love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you, that you may be sons of your Father in heaven. He causes his sun to rise on the evil and the good, and sends rain on the righteous and the unrighteous. If you love those who love you, what reward will you get? Are not even the tax collectors doing that? And if you greet only your brothers, what are you doing more than others? Do not even pagans do that? Be perfect, therefore, as your heavenly Father is perfect.
My context has changed and now I look at that passage much different than I ever have. Now I struggle with anger! I struggle with hatred! I want to say “Damn them!” Love for my enimies, those who violated me, at times seems far from me.
Honestly I wrestle with that. What is loving your enemy? As I consider the context of when Jesus wrote this, they were living in an occupied land, enemy forces controlled thier society, took what they wanted when they wanted it. Every day Roman soldiers were in their face and business. Occupation by enemy forces!!! You could go anywhere without seeing them. When I read that and see where He saids the part about greeting and about only loving those who love you, I am challenged. Challenged in how think about my ex. Challenged in how I interact with her. Challenged in my private thoughts. Challenged in my anger. Challenged in my hurt!
Im not perfect! I tried once, but couldnt do it. How can I? What does He mean by perfect?
Thats alot to think about and more than I can process. So . . . .
I try and be cordial. I am helpful where I can be. I invite her into my home. I try not to speak negatively about it. I try and keep boundries. I dont freak out when they arnt respected. I succeed some days. I fail some days. Thats what it is. Thats what I think He meant by all of it! If we dont ever try, then we will never, but if we make an effort, I mean do our best. Then we will have moments! Spectactular God moments. Moments where He breaks in in our weakness and things change. They are for me. I still struggle, but I am also being changed. My bitterness is subsiding. My anger is giving way to peace.
As you live this week, and walk it out. Consider your own heart. Where is your enemy, how are you loving? Is it going to rain? Be a blessing.
Have you ever been there? A place/time where you can remember being frozen, unable to do or act because you were intimidated by fear? Fear of what would happen. Fear of what would people think. Fear of what if it wasnt the right choice. Fear of living in fear.
Fear is probably one of the most intimidating things that exist in all of our lives. We constantly struggle with what might happen. I know in my mind I like to think that I am fearless, ready for the next turn in the road, what lies ahead, bring it on! But the reallity is, I am fearful and afraid. Afraid of relationships, “what if I am betrayed again?” Afraid of parenting, “What if my kids dont turn out ok?” Afraid of friends, “What if all they do is always take from me?” Afraid of work, “What if I loose my job?” What if, what if, what if! What if is a bully!
I really only have one good bully experience in my life and that was one of Johnny. I may told it before, but here it is again. Most of my elementary years I had a childhood crush on Michelle! Of course the crush was not returned, but I kept after it. By the time we were in the 8th grade, Michelle had become boyfriends with Johnny and she and I were friends. So I often saw Johnny every day. Johnny had a tendacy to punch me in the arm everytime he saw me, kinda making sure I understood the boundries. And it hurt!
One day, I finally had it. I could not take it anymore, so I called him out! Now anyone with a knowledge of my size then and Johnny’s would think I just ordered a big serving of beat down, and probably did. But I had reached the point of not wanting to live like that anymore. Tired of his control of putting me in fear. So we squared off and wham, right to the nose! He socked me good. That was all of the fight.
Now it would have been a great story to tell you I whiped him and got the girl and was king, but the reallity was, he whipped me, the principle paddled me for fighting and I was the butt of alot of jokes for awhile. But strangly, Johnny never hit me again. In fact he defended me on several occaisions. The High School football coach encouraged me to come out for football, “I need guys who arent afraid to tear into guys bigger than them” And I learned a big lesson.
Itimidation wants you paralyzed. It wants you to do nothing! Wait! Wait! Wait! Today I want to encourage anyone who reads this, dont be paralyzed! Dont hesitate! You know their are some things that are no brainers! One of my personal philosphies is that when it comes to decision making, it is better to make a decision than to hold in indecisiveness. You see, if you make a decision and it turns out to be bad, you can alter course and you now have the advantage because you now know which choice is right. So whip around and get going on the right choice. Dont keep down a path you know if wrong. Dont be foolish on top of everything else.
Now that philosophy is good for most things, not all (marriage and children).
So today, dont be itimidated by fear. Get up, move forward, see whats around the corner. As a friend once said, only two things are certain, Death and taxes, and they both will get paid when the time comes.
“Then Jesus said to his disciples: ‘Therefore I tell you, do not worry about your life, what you will eat; or about your body, what you will wear. Life is more than food, and the body more than clothes. Consider the ravens: They do not sow or reap, they have no storeroom or barn; yet God feeds them. And how much more valuable you are than birds! Who of you by worrying can add a single hour to his life? Since you cannot do this very little thing, why do you worry about the rest?’” (Luke 12:22-26, NIV)
“So we say with confidence, ‘The Lord is my helper; I will not be afraid. What can man do to me?’” (Hebrews 13:6)
“Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus” (Philippians 4:6-7).