Thanks for stopping by. Please say hi.
Urban: Related To Cities – it is my belief that we are all a part of a global community (city). And that our lives criss cross like those pedistrians on the city streets of New York or LA, except we do it on the web. We can choose to just pass people by or engage them, which brings us to the second term.
Gathering: Is an area where fabric is folded or bunched together with common cord; a generic term for one of several knitting techniques to draw stitches closer together; a group of people coming together for a task. I believe intensely that all our lives share a common cord, God. At times He pulls us close and bunches us together for the accomplisment of certain tasks, such as encourageing each other, sharing our lives and experience to help each other along, to lift up the fallen and nurse the broken.
So with that I say welcome and hope that you find, a welcoming place here where you can stop by from time to time and be blessed, challenged, inspired, made to think or just chill.