Too Hard?

Posted on March 26, 2013 at 6:56 am in

You ever lost something?  Had those times when you look and look and cannot find what your missing?  Then all of the sudden you see it, right out in the open, in plain sight.  You feel foolish.  How many times has that happened.  My dad used to say “You cant see the forest because of the trees” or “If it was a snake it would bite you” or “you cant even see the nose on your own face”.   Frustrating isnt it.  I mean think about it. Looking yet unable to find.

That happens to me alot.  I think it has alot to do with being so fixated that you miss the obvious.

I find reading the Bible is much the same.  I have so many notions about things that often miss what it says.  I cant tell you how many times I have read a passage I have read many times before, yet WHAM!  It jumps out at me like never before.  Now I have heard many notions about that scenario, yet I tend to believe that is one of the ways God speaks to me.   Its almost as it  is alive, adapting to speak to me where I am.

When such a moment happens, I often stop and try and reflect on what it is I am seeing, and why now?

Today it was as I was reading through Genesis 18 and God came to Abrahams tent, in the form of three men.  Abraham carries on a conversation with God, yet repeatedly it describes three men.  At one point the three me stop and God asks “should I reveal to Abraham what I am about to do?”.  I thought it was interesting that it refers to the three but all conversations imply one.  Kinda makes that early part of Geneiss where God says “Let us make man in our image” make a little more sense.  No God is not crazy and He’s not wearing a blue tooth device.  He is just that Glorious that He can reveal Himself as three people.  Kinda like Father, Son and Holy Spirit stuff!!!

This is a really cool passage, because as God tells Abraham what is about to happen to his wife, Sarah starts to laugh, disbelieving that God could give an old barren woman a child.  Funny thing is God asks Abraham about her out about doubt and asks  “Is anything to hard for the Lord?”.  Yep, thats me, I often doubt, dont think its gonna happen.  Then WHAM!  He calls me out.  I love how what happens next.  Sarah tells a big boldface lie straight to God’s face.  But
He doesnt strike her dead or punish her, simply confronts her with the truth.  He doesnt withhold the child, a true blessing, even amidst her doubt and sin.

God is wonderful!!  He loves us beyond compare and and like me and Sarah, if you doubt or even sin, it doesnt change His love, nor does it change what He has in store for you and your future.  Be assured God is for us and truly “Nothing is too hard for the Lord!”

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