
Posted on August 21, 2010 at 10:32 am in

I awoke this morning, and for the first time in a long time felt things were better. As I awoke, I remembered that my kids were home again! The summer break was nearly over and it was time to come back home. How I missed them! For those of you who are parents, you know what I mean. Their is nothing quite like the noise and ruckus kids generate. It is like music. As much as I dislike the sound of my kids arguing and scuffling, I think that I will bask in its melody for a few days in sheer rapture.

I walked to each bedroom this morning and glanced in on them sleeping and felt sheer joy. How wonderful it is to share in their lives, to speak wisdom to them and have them speak wisdom back. It is amazing how much our children impart to us. I thanked God for gracious generousity to entrust them to me. He is so good.

I think that is what Solomon was talking about in Psalm 127 when he said: “Sons are a heritage from the LORD, children a reward from him. Like arrows in the hands of a warrior are sons born in one’s youth. Blessed is the man whose quiver is full of them. They will not be put to shame when they contend with their enemies in the gate.”

Over the past year, I have seem my children astound me. I have witnessed them experience deep personal tragedy and yet desire to know and dig deeper into God. Even more, I have been overwhelmed by the love and graciousness of our friends and family. When our own family colasped, and we witnessed the personal destruction of our pastor, and someone, who we believed loved and care for us, my heart failed. I was gripped by fear of what my children will think of God of how they would wonder “How could He allow this?” But instead of running, they dug in. Grabbed onto Him with both hands and demonstrated that He was their rock. I have been humbled.

How I wish my faith were always that resolute. Don’t misunderstand me, I have never doubted God, just gotten really angry, sad, depressed, and gone nuts. Then I see them, hear them and He uses them in ways in my life that bring me to a place of shame. Their words and questions about forgiveness put me in my place.

Thank You Lord for my children. Thank you for this most precious gift. Help me be a good steward and faithful with Your most precious things. Amen.

This poem by Sandra Tolson expresses my heart!

Children Are A Gift From God

God sent me four packages
That needed special care
“Take care of these gifts
For they are very rare.”

“Watch over them with all your love
And let them feel your touch
Take care of their every need
For you are needed very much.”

“These gifts will grow up very fast
As you soon will see
Love them with all your heart
And let them be what they will be.”

“When these gifts have fully grown
Look at Heaven up above
Know they exist because of God
And all his precious love.”

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