
Posted on April 19, 2010 at 11:20 pm in

I just watched one of the best movies I have never heard of!  Neverwas.  A very interesting story.  Clean, compelling and leaves you happy!  A definite must see.

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A Rough Day

Posted on April 13, 2010 at 2:17 pm in

Have you ever felt like things just couldnt get worse, and then they did. I know you have, we all have been there and some of us spend alot of time there!

One of my favorite guys in the Bible is David. I think that of any persons life, his is one we have the fullest glimpse of. We see him from a boy until his death. We see a life marked by victory, tragedy, sin, forgiveness, defeat, loneliness, and consequences. David was a warior, but a poet and musician as well. He was both tough and tender.

The story that is on my mind today is the story of Shimei (2Samuel 16). David, was on the run for his life. His son had tried to sieze the throne and David’s life was on the line. David had to quickly flee Jurusalem and as he proceeded away, he came to a town (Bahurim) where King Saul’s, the king before David, clan lived. This man Shimei, came out his front door as David passed by and just began cursing him and started throwing rocks. Talk about a rough day.

It was bad enough his own son turned against him, but now his was being curesed and rocks thrown. If that I had been me I would have had enought and probably dealt with that dude severely. In fact that is how one of David’s men, Abishai felt, he said “Why is that dog cursing my king, let me go cut off his head”. Thats how I feel when people curse me, insult me. But I love David’s response: “Hold on, perhaps he is cursing me because God told him to! ”   When is the last time you thought that?

 To take taunting of any kind requires great character.  How much more to be willing to consider it actually might be God speaking? David replied maybe God will see my distress and repay me some good for the cursing I am recieving. Whats even more amazing is that it did not stop, the story says that David and his men continued on the road and Shimei kept on cursing, throwing stones and even dirt. I think the story ends with the way we feel, it says they arrived at their destination exhausted.

Life does get exhausting. The story ends with saying David refreshed himself.

Thought for the day – when things are rough, could God be at work in your life? Remember to persevere, God does have his eye on you.

1 Corinthians 10:13 (New International Version)
No temptation has seized you except what is common to man. And God is faithful; he will not let you be tempted beyond what you can bear. But when you are tempted, he will also provide a way out so that you can stand up under it.

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Posted on April 5, 2010 at 3:26 pm in

Investing is a popular trend today and everyone hopes to get back more than they put in. I want to take a moment to list some of my investors. These are people who I believe have contributed to me, it is not an exhaustive list, but enought to get you thinking about your investors. I encourage you to take a moment and write out your portfolio of investors as well.

Jesus – who sacrificed all so that I may have life, and life more abundantly.
Dad – Who gave me life and cared for me and fought for me.
Step Mom – who chose to love me even though I was not hers.
Mrs. Smith – who taught me to read and take naps.
Coach Hedrick – even though I am clumsy and awkward, I could still be a part of the team
Mr. Odom – There are two thought trends, creation and evolution,-  I was created with purpose!
Coach Jackson – Standing up for myself is important and helps me become they kind of man people can follow.
Coach Chadwick – there is more to math than the numbers and formulas, it is the divine order and structure that counts.
My high school English teacher – reading is the process of investing in oneself
Ralf Terzolo – for introducing me to Jesus Christ.
Dave Bishop – for helping me comprehend the love of Christ “Oh How I love Jesus”
Ed Decker – understanding that God has called me with a purpose
Larry Feguson – I can be more that I am and more than where I came from
Ron Johnson – Education is a lifelong process and it is the mining and processing the ore of the soul
Bob Crosswhite – You sometimes have to stand and draw a line
Steve Attaway – there is a song inside all of us; Be careful what you ask God for, he often gives it!
Steve Savageot – Pursue your dreams , find your dreams.
My last two pastors! – It has never been too long or long enough to think you have it all down, you could fall in a moment.

There you go, just some food for thought today.  Who has invested in you?  Better yet, who are you investing in?

Be devoted to one another with mutual love, showing eagerness in honoring one another. Romans 12:10

Two people are better than one, because they can reap more benefit from their labor. 10 For if they fall, one will help his companion up, but pity the person who falls down and has no one to help him up. – Ecclesiastes 4:9-10

“There are three things to remember when teaching: know your stuff; know whom you are stuffing; and then stuff them elegantly”

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The Mountains and The Rocks

Posted on April 1, 2010 at 8:21 am in

Do you ever think how funny life really is? Do you ever look at your life and think it is movie material? Satire, humor, drama, lots of drama, devestation, joy, etc. Life is full of it all. Some days we find ourselves looking at things more seriously than others, and some days things are lighthearted. If you are at all like me you relish and long for the light hearted days, especially when you walk long periods of trouble and despair.

Yesterday turned into one of those days for me. I awoke with an old friend on my heart and mind and ended up in a texting conversation that lasted throughout the morning. At one point, I commented how I felt I was dashed upon the rocks and they seemed to go on as far as the eye could see. The he replied back, “like a mountain range”. Then something in my perspective changed. I saw as clear as could be, in my mind this long pile of rocks, but then I looked up and I was in the base of a set of large mountains. Thats where the rocks came from! I believe God used that moment to speak to me.

“You cant be on the rocks, without being near the moutains or high places!” My sould lifted quite a bit at that point. I remembered all the “highs” of my life and how wonderful so many moments have been. I thought of my friend and how much he meant to me and how many times he has done just what he did, helped me see the big picture.

I hate when I realize that my life focus has gotten so narrow. Thanks to friends who love us enough to speak into our lives. Who would’ve thought that “like a mountain range” would be a powerful and impacting statement!

Today you have the same opportunity. Who’s life can you speak into, help them broaden their perspective? Perhaps you need to have someone speak into your life. Give them a buzz, hear what they have to say.

Hebrews 10:25 (New International Version) Let us not give up meeting together, as some are in the habit of doing, but let us encourage one another—and all the more as you see the Day approaching.

2 Corinthians: 7-12 (The Message) If you only look at us, you might well miss the brightness. We carry this precious Message around in the unadorned clay pots of our ordinary lives. That’s to prevent anyone from confusing God’s incomparable power with us. As it is, there’s not much chance of that. You know for yourselves that we’re not much to look at. We’ve been surrounded and battered by troubles, but we’re not demoralized; we’re not sure what to do, but we know that God knows what to do; we’ve been spiritually terrorized, but God hasn’t left our side; we’ve been thrown down, but we haven’t broken. What they did to Jesus, they do to us—trial and torture, mockery and murder; what Jesus did among them, he does in us—he lives! Our lives are at constant risk for Jesus’ sake, which makes Jesus’ life all the more evident in us. While we’re going through the worst, you’re getting in on the best!

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